
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Scheduling Tips and Tricks

My organizing post is by far my most popular post, so I decided to make this a little series. A tips and tricks series where I tell you guys my suggestions/advise on a specific topic. Today I'm going to tell you my tips and tricks on scheduling. With school, sports, and work, my schedule is pretty jam packed, so I have to really plan out what I'm doing and I've managed to pick up some useful tactics.

Stick to your schedule. I talked a bit about this in my organizing post, but its just so important for keep a good schedule. Do not push everything back and expect there to be enough time. Its just not going to happen and you'll end up being stressed and tired and wishing you'd just done your work earlier. 

Plan early. What I mean by this is that you shouldn't plan to start something at eight o'clock at night because it could either take you five minutes or three hours. Start your work early and it will get done early. (I value my sleep so this is number one for me.)

Write it down. Write down your schedule so that you don't a) forget anything or b) leave anything until the last minute. Not leaving things until the last minute seems to be a reoccurring theme here... Nevertheless, it's probably the most important thing ever to having a good schedule.

Give yourself a break. I know way too many people who pack their schedules and have no time for themselves. It's work, work, and more work. Giving yourself time to relax is so important because you cannot work yourself to death day in and day out. Relaxing will ensure that you don't get too stressed and always have an open mind.

I hope these helped, I know they help me!

Until later,
xx, Madison.

What are your best scheduling tips?

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